Simon Brown, Keynote speaker I T.A.K.E Unconference 2015
We are proud to announce that in May, 2016, in Bucharest, we will host the 4th I T.A.K.E Unconference, bringing together 300 top-notch programmers, software craftsmen, architects, DevOps, technical managers, team leaders, startup CEOs, CTOs, technical consultants, and business analysts from more than 10 European countries.
James Shore is our first confirmed keynote speaker for this edition.
Each year, we strive to raise the standards for our participants. We are looking forward to offer them practical, hands-on sessions like workshops, smart talks, and best quality presentations. Side events, like Kata Lounge or programming contest, and networking opportunities will be included in the schedule, so get ready for one of a kind event!
As always, an invaluable role will have our speakers. Each of them brings personal experience and amazing insights, making the unconference the best place for finding inspiration and ideas for your work.
At this moment, we have just launched our call for speakers and we are looking forward to receive your submission!
If you want to make an outstanding contribution at one of the regional most vibrant events, get your proposal ready and submit it here.
We value practical, hands-on sessions, strong case studies, and personal experiences, delivered in an attractive manner. Our event is technology agnostic, so us, and the participants, expect a session that will apply to more technology stacks. No, talking only about Java or C# won’t go the finals!
While you prepare for taking the stage, take a look at what speakers and participants said about their experience:
Last week I had the chance to attend both as a speaker and an attendee my first un-conference (…). The overall agenda and the way the event is structured is very intelligent and it makes people communicate more and exchange ideas in various ways. (Patroklos Papapetrou, Speaker 2015, full blog post here)
The speakers proved to have deep understanding of the topics, and the information was clearly presented in easy-to-read slides. Nice job! (Adriana, participant 2015)
Open Space – very interesting. It’s like a round table. Everyone has the chance to say what he/she wants. Short sessions (as these: 35’, 40’) – OK. (Participant, 2015)
You can find all the details about the call here, and make sure to submit your ideas here by December 22nd.
Questions? Share your thoughts on Facebook and Twitter, using #itakeuncof.