I T.A.K.E Unconference 2016 – IInd day videos & slides

May 22, 2016 by Madalina Botez in  Announcements

And…it’s a wrap: 2 days of intense & complex program, almost 300 participants, +30 sessions & +30 speakers. During the 2nd day of the event, 16 speakers from 11 countries shared their knowledge on Microservices, Autotesting & Design, Quality Practices, Architecture & Technical Leadership.

Watch the videos from the event here. Find below the presentations from day 2. The slides from day 1 are here.


Continous  Deployment

Andrey Adamovich – Patterns for infrastructure as a code

Tugberk Ugurlu – Zero Downtime Deployment Golden Rules & Docker Changes the Way You Develop and Release Your Scalable Solutions

Thierry de Pauw – Continuous Delivery is more than just Tooling_Its a Culture

Thomas Sundberg – Definition of Done – Working software in production


Autotesting & Design

Thomas Sundberg – How deep are your tests

Franziska Sauerwein Introduction to Outside in Test Driven Development (London School)

Alexandra Marin – Error-proof your mobile app

Ricardo Mendez – Flexibility Through Immutability


Quality Practices

Houssam Fakih – Never Develop Alone – always with a partner

Andrey Adamovich – Visualising Codebases



Milen Dyankov – Microservices and Modularity

Clement Bouillier, Jean Hellou, Florent Pellet & Emilien Pecoul – Workshop around CQRS & Event sourcing 


Technical Leadership

Hugo Messer – How to successfully manage remote teams

Flavius Stef – Is management dead


A few thoughts  from the participants

  • Very glad I attended, well worth the trip from UK 
  • It was a very well organised event. I really enjoyed it, the speakers have been inspiring and well prepared 🙂 
  • It was a pleasant learning environment – I hope you will continue to bring high-quality speakers in the event




itake-day 2

Powering Interactive Data Analysis with Google BigQuery

Mar 29, 2017
Enjoy the following series of interviews with the speakers, top-notch software crafters from across Europe, joining  I T.A.K.E Unconference, Bucharest, 11-12 May. Discover the lessons learned and what drives them to challenge the known path in their field.


Marton Kodok is a Senior Software Architect REEA, who led the implementation of complex and distributed systems. At #itakeunconf 2017, he will share more about Powering Interactive Data Analysis with Google BigQuery.



#1. Please share with us 5 things you did that helped you grow & become the professional you are today


It all started when I was posting answers for the Stackoverflow community and the reputation started to grow over 100k. I realized that being a professional is a constant effort and never ending learning of new cool stuff. To be up to speed you need to constantly shift to emerging technologies. You see the merit when your answer voted and uncounted millions of people also learn.
We need to be open-minded and have a mentor around us to grow. As you might not have a mentor close to you in person, you can leverage online communities such as Stackoverflow, a community that helps you grow. It helped me.
Then when you take it offline and be supportive & active in local communities, participate in Startup Weekends, community projects you believe in – you will be able to work on fun stuff. Also being part of an IT company such as REEA, it helped me become a professional by all the great startup projects I had to work on, the colleagues, the clients, and also the conference participations.
In 2016, I was nominated and accepted into the Google Developers Experts program. Having my exemplary work recognized by the greatest company in the IT industry and pointing me as an expert and outstanding professional, it gives me new goals to achieve even more.

#2. What challenges will the participants find solutions to during your session at I T.A.K.E Unconference 2017?

Nowadays there are dozens of options to choose how you architect your project for next level of data analytics. We will cover how Google BigQuery helps to solve the petabyte scale data warehousing, and ability to write complex queries for your dashboards.

#3. Recommend for the participants 3 sources you find inspiration from and would help them better understand you

My inspiration inbox is Feedly, there I consume all sorts of content I really enjoy reading: High Scalability, Percona Blogs, Codrops, Medium, SIMB.

Want to join Marton and ~300 software crafters from around Europe?

Register now for I T.A.K.E Unconference 2017!

I T.A.K.E Unconference 2016 – Ist day videos & slides

May 19, 2016

The first day of I T.A.K.E Unconference 2016 was a great success: 18 speakers from 8 different countries shared insights and latest trends on 5 different stages.

Live coding sessions, the talks & workshops received an excellent feedback. Also, everyone got involved during the Open Space, Lightning Talks, Product Development Track & Kata Lounge. In the evening, the event continued informally at Dinner & Coding with a stranger.

You can watch the videos from the event here. Find below the slides from day one. Slides from day 2 are here.


Developer’s Life

Franziska SauwerwinRaising the Bar 

Houssam Fakih & Borris Gonnot – Metrics for Good Developers

Claudia Rosu – Developer experience to Testing

Alastair Smith – Express Yourself!

Monica Obogeanu – How We Use BDD to Keep our Developers Smiling


Software Design

Ionut G. StanLet’s write a Parser!



Tim Perry – Microservice Pipeline Architecture

Yegor Bugayenko – Microservices as Chat Bots

Cristiana Voicu & Cristian Andrei – Openstack in the Enterprise and you get your money from it

Condoiu Iuliana – Microservices-what tools do we use


Continous Deployment

Philipp Krenn – Automate all things AWS with Ansible



Phillipp Krenn – Painfree object-document mapping with Elasticresearch 



Autotesting & Design

Nicolas Frankel – Mutation Testing to the rescue of your tests

Alastair Smith – Test-Driving Your Database

Andreas Leidig & Robin Danzinger – Who is testing the mocks


A few thoughts from the participants

  • First of all, I want to congratulate you for the organisation (…)  You can be proud of your work. I spent an amazing time and the return on the invested time is 5/5
  • Open talks were excellent for networking and ideas exchange
  • The Product Development track was a useful and pleasant experience






Win an invitation to I T.A.K.E. Unconference 2015

Mar 13, 2015


The week to celebrate #famousITwomen brings you the chance to win an invitation to The Europe Software Craftsmanship event dedicated to Software Architecture, Software Design and Technical Strategy – I T.A.K.E. Unconference 2015.

Most of our followers have probably found out more about the roots of technology from the #famousITwomen stories here on the blog. As a gift to you, here’s an invitation that you might enjoy – thanks for following us. There’s how you can get it:

Leave a comment hereby saying Who’s your favorite famous IT woman. Or share a link where to read more about her. She can be Ada Lovelace, or Barbara Liskov, or any of the women who left stamps on tech history, anyone that might have inspired you. Use the #famousITwomen hashtag.

You can enter the competition until Mon 16th of March. The one who has most likes for his/her comment will be rewarded on Wed 18th of March. If you are a software craftsman we encourage you to comment too and win the invitation for her.

Looking forward to see you at I T.A.K.E. Unconference 2015 in May!

P.S. Keep an eye on the blog for amazing stories about #famousITwomen who’ve made breakthrough contributions along the history www.itakeunconf.com

Find more about I T.A.K.E. Unconference.


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