The first day of I T.A.K.E Unconference 2016 was a great success: 18 speakers from 8 different countries shared insights and latest trends on 5 different stages.
Live coding sessions, the talks & workshops received an excellent feedback. Also, everyone got involved during the Open Space, Lightning Talks, Product Development Track & Kata Lounge. In the evening, the event continued informally at Dinner & Coding with a stranger.
You can watch the videos from the event here. Find below the slides from day one. Slides from day 2 are here.
Developer’s Life
Franziska Sauwerwin – Raising the Bar
Houssam Fakih & Borris Gonnot – Metrics for Good Developers
Claudia Rosu – Developer experience to Testing
Alastair Smith – Express Yourself!
Monica Obogeanu – How We Use BDD to Keep our Developers Smiling
Software Design
Ionut G. Stan – Let’s write a Parser!
Tim Perry – Microservice Pipeline Architecture
Yegor Bugayenko – Microservices as Chat Bots
Cristiana Voicu & Cristian Andrei – Openstack in the Enterprise and you get your money from it
Condoiu Iuliana – Microservices-what tools do we use
Continous Deployment
Philipp Krenn – Automate all things AWS with Ansible
Phillipp Krenn – Painfree object-document mapping with Elasticresearch
Autotesting & Design
Nicolas Frankel – Mutation Testing to the rescue of your tests
Alastair Smith – Test-Driving Your Database
Andreas Leidig & Robin Danzinger – Who is testing the mocks
A few thoughts from the participants
- First of all, I want to congratulate you for the organisation (…) You can be proud of your work. I spent an amazing time and the return on the invested time is 5/5
- Open talks were excellent for networking and ideas exchange
- The Product Development track was a useful and pleasant experience