Meet the speakers – Part 3

Mar 07, 2016 by Madalina Botez in  Announcements

Software craftsmen from more than 15 countries will meet in the heart of Bucharest, 19-20 May, at I T.A.K.E Unconference! For 2 days, around 30 speakers will share insights, latest trends, and deliver hands-on sessions.

In Meet the Speakers Part I and Part II, we shared more about the first 10 speakers who will make this year event a one not to be missed. Below, you can read more about the next 5:


august-512x512_originalYegor Buhayenko, CTO at, USA

Talk To Your Microservice Via a Chat Bot, not UI (Talk)

It seems that chat bots are a more effective way of interaction between web (micro-)services and users than traditional HTML user interfaces.





34da781_originalAlexandru Badiu, Development Lead at Corbis, Romania

Maintaining a Node.JS OSS package (Live coding)

How to setup a development pipeline for your Node.JS project.





hugoimage_originalHugo Meeser, Owner at Bridge Global, Netherlands

How to successfully manage remote teams (Workshop)

Participants will create a best practice board in teams of 5-6 people.





igstan_originalIonut G. Stan, Software Developer at Eloquentix, Romania

Let’s Write a Parser! (Live coding) 

One weird trick to write parsers. Compiler engineers will hate you!





me_small_originalMilen Dyankov, Senior Consultant at Liferay, Poland

Microservices and Modularity or the difference between treatment and cure! (Live coding)

An attempt to analyze the problems microservices claim to solve and explore other possible solutions!




Want to challenge the current programming practices as these software craftsmen are doing? Want to experience new techniques, debate on the existing ones or even pair program in the I T.A.K.E Unconference space?

Get your  Super Early Bird ticket today! 

Stay tuned. We will continue publishing more about the program, speakers and the dynamic learning practices awaiting you.

Thrilled to see you in May!

Chat bots & microservices

Apr 14, 2016

Enjoy the following series of interviews with the speakers, top-notch software crafters from across Europe, joining  I T.A.K.E Unconference, Bucharest, 19-20 May. Discover the lessons learned and what drives them to challenge the known path in their field. 

Yegor Bugayenko, CTO and co-founder, will share in his talk about how chat bots are a more effective way of interaction between web (micro-)services and users than traditional HTML user interfaces.






Constant planning, learning, and analyzing.


#2. What challenges will the participants find solutions to during your session at I T.A.K.E Unconference 2016?

They will mostly find some solutions to the growing complexity of modern architectures. I will demonstrate how chat bots can become a valuable component of multi-tier architecture. By example.


# 3. What else would you like to share with participants at I T.A.K.E Unconference 2016?

I recently published a book about object-oriented programming, Elegant Object, focusing on practical recommendation for practitioners in this field.
logo ITAKE 2016


Want to join Yegor and many more software crafters from around Europe?

Join I T.A.K.E Unconference 2016!

Rebecca Wirfs-Brock: Maintaining Your Code Clint Eastwood Style 

Dec 01, 2016

Rebecca Wirfs-Brock is the object design pioneer who invented the set of design practices known as Responsibility-Driven Design (RDD), the first behavioral approach to object design. She is the lead author of two software design books and design columnist for IEEE Software. By accident, she started the x-Driven Design meme (TDD, DDD, BDD…). Although best known for software design, she is has a passion simply expressing complex requirements and effectively communicating software architecture.

Rebecca shared with the audience how to maintain your code in the keynote address from the first edition of I T.A.K.E Unconference. Watch below her remarks!


Code. Craft. Learn. Share. Repeat. Call for Speakers for I T.A.K.E Unconference, 5th edition, is open! Apply here.

I T.A.K.E. Unconference Day 2 – Slides & Videos

Jun 10, 2015

An unconference is as special as its participants. Thank you everyone – Speakers, Facilitators, Bumblebees & Butterflies for working all together, writing code, pairing, solving problems while discussing, listening and sharing knowledge.

After such an awesome gathering of practitioners, we are happy to share the presented slides.

Structured by tracks, find them all below.

I T.A.K.E. Unconference Day 2 – Slides & Videos



James LewisJames Lewis: Microservices – Systems That Are #neverdone

AndreaMocci-PictureAndrea Mocci: Beautiful Design, Beautiful Coding

Hardcore Programming

Cyrille MartraireCyrille Martraire: Monoids, Monoids Everywhere!

Stefan KanevStefan Kanev: Advanced Vim dotfiles

thumb_adi-bolboaca-300x400.jpgAdrian Bolboacă: Architecture for Disaster Resistant Systems

Incremental Development

Marcin DrobikKrzysztof SzabelskiMarcin Drobik & Krzysztof Szabelski: From Zero to Hero: Business Increment in 30 Minutes

thumb_flavius-stef-300x400.pngFlavius Ștef: Big Rewrites Without Big Risks

Technical Leadership

Patroklos-PapapetrouPatroklos Papapetrou: How to Boost Development Team’s Speed


AlexAlex Bolboacă: Usable Software Design


thomas-sundbergThomas Sundberg: Walking Skeleton

Johannes EdelstamJohannes Edelstam: The API of the API (with intelligence on top)


Aki SalmiAki Salmi: Object Oriented Views

tim-perryTim Perry: Your Web Stack Would Betray You In An Instant

See also: Day 1 Slides & Videos

We hope to see you again at the next I T.A.K.E. Unconference.

The recorded videos are now being processed. Stay tuned.

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