Mutation testing

Apr 28, 2016 by Madalina Botez in  Announcements

Enjoy the following series of interviews with the speakers, top-notch software crafters from across Europe, joining  I T.A.K.E Unconference, Bucharest, 19-20 May. Discover the lessons learned and what drives them to challenge the known path in their field. 

Nicolas Fränkel, Software Architect with 15 years of experience in a wide range of contexts, University teacher, experienced trainer and book author will join as speaker I T.A.K.E Unconference 2016. In his talk, he will explain how Code Coverage is computed and what its inherent flaw is. Afterwards, he will describe how Mutation Testing works and how it helps pointing out code that is tested but leave out corner cases.




  • I chose to become a programmer, because during my architectural studies, there was a course on POV-Ray, a ray-tracing software where scenes are described with a language
  • I now avoid not well-understood bash commands after trying to execute a find with exec rm command on a production server and starting deleting the server’s filesystem
  • I value knowledge sharing since I started teaching a very long time ago


During my talk, Mutation testing to the rescue of your tests, ​I will not provide a solution but challenge attendees beliefs. Code coverage is the most talked about metric when we speak about quality, but it​s only quality is that it’s easy to compute. In my code, I will show it means nothing, and provide you something more reliable to work with.


​I’m a Java geek, through and through, but also ski in winter, run, play squash, sketch nudes, write books, and am currently learning Russian and Kotlin.​
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Want to join Nicolas and many more software crafters from around Europe?

Join I T.A.K.E Unconference 2016!

Chat bots & microservices

Apr 14, 2016

Enjoy the following series of interviews with the speakers, top-notch software crafters from across Europe, joining  I T.A.K.E Unconference, Bucharest, 19-20 May. Discover the lessons learned and what drives them to challenge the known path in their field. 

Yegor Bugayenko, CTO and co-founder, will share in his talk about how chat bots are a more effective way of interaction between web (micro-)services and users than traditional HTML user interfaces.






Constant planning, learning, and analyzing.


#2. What challenges will the participants find solutions to during your session at I T.A.K.E Unconference 2016?

They will mostly find some solutions to the growing complexity of modern architectures. I will demonstrate how chat bots can become a valuable component of multi-tier architecture. By example.


# 3. What else would you like to share with participants at I T.A.K.E Unconference 2016?

I recently published a book about object-oriented programming, Elegant Object, focusing on practical recommendation for practitioners in this field.
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Want to join Yegor and many more software crafters from around Europe?

Join I T.A.K.E Unconference 2016!

I T.A.K.E. Unconference Day 2 – Slides & Videos

Jun 10, 2015

An unconference is as special as its participants. Thank you everyone – Speakers, Facilitators, Bumblebees & Butterflies for working all together, writing code, pairing, solving problems while discussing, listening and sharing knowledge.

After such an awesome gathering of practitioners, we are happy to share the presented slides.

Structured by tracks, find them all below.

I T.A.K.E. Unconference Day 2 – Slides & Videos



James LewisJames Lewis: Microservices – Systems That Are #neverdone

AndreaMocci-PictureAndrea Mocci: Beautiful Design, Beautiful Coding

Hardcore Programming

Cyrille MartraireCyrille Martraire: Monoids, Monoids Everywhere!

Stefan KanevStefan Kanev: Advanced Vim dotfiles

thumb_adi-bolboaca-300x400.jpgAdrian Bolboacă: Architecture for Disaster Resistant Systems

Incremental Development

Marcin DrobikKrzysztof SzabelskiMarcin Drobik & Krzysztof Szabelski: From Zero to Hero: Business Increment in 30 Minutes

thumb_flavius-stef-300x400.pngFlavius Ștef: Big Rewrites Without Big Risks

Technical Leadership

Patroklos-PapapetrouPatroklos Papapetrou: How to Boost Development Team’s Speed


AlexAlex Bolboacă: Usable Software Design


thomas-sundbergThomas Sundberg: Walking Skeleton

Johannes EdelstamJohannes Edelstam: The API of the API (with intelligence on top)


Aki SalmiAki Salmi: Object Oriented Views

tim-perryTim Perry: Your Web Stack Would Betray You In An Instant

See also: Day 1 Slides & Videos

We hope to see you again at the next I T.A.K.E. Unconference.

The recorded videos are now being processed. Stay tuned.

In-Process or Inter-Processes Communication at Deploy Time

Mar 03, 2017

Enjoy the following series of interviews with the speakers, top-notch software crafters from across Europe, joining  I T.A.K.E Unconference, Bucharest, 11-12 May. Discover the lessons learned and what drives them to challenge the known path in their field.

Florin Coroș, Co-Founder and Partner iQuarc, is a passionate software architect and developer who has been working for more than 10 years in a wide variety of business applications using Microsoft technologies. At #itakeunconf, Florin is sharing more about In-Process or Inter-Processes Communication at Deploy Time.





#1. Please share with us 5 things you did that helped you grow & become the professional you are today


There might be a fortunate series of events, which fit nicely with my personality and abilities.

One of the things that helped me a great deal, was the fact that I changed the contexts and projects often. Even if I worked for the same company and the same technologies for about 10 years, I have changed the projects, the clients and my role at least once in two years. It wasn’t something that I had planned, but I always wanted to learn and experience new things.

Change is always challenging and creates opportunity for learning and for professional growth.

Another important thing for me, I think it was the fact that I always look for professional models. First, I discovered Uncle Bob, then there were Martin Fowler, J.B. Rainsberger, Roy Osherove, Kent Beck, Juval Lowe, Jurgen Appelo, Richard Campbel, and many others (I remember having a slide with some of these guy’s pictures in one of my first talks I’ve given at a conference ☺ ). Reading their books and articles, and then trying to apply their ideas in my day to day work, inspired and helped me.

Attending to training and conferences is another important thing. The TDD workshop with J.B. Rainsberger, which I attended back in 2010 was a few years jump ahead in my career. After, there were many other high-quality training I had the opportunity to attend, like the IDesign Master Class with Richard Campbel, a workshop with Dan North, or a Requirements course with Kay and Tom Gilb.

Coding just to practice is another thing that makes a difference. I learned this at the Code Retreats and I’ve kept this good habit. From time to time I take a few hours and I just write code with the purpose of learning or practicing. It always pays back.


#2. What challenges will the participants find solutions to during your session at I T.A.K.E Unconference 2017?


In large enterprise applications, there is always the challenge of decomposing the system. From performance considerations we may end up loading all the services in one or two processes, ending up with a monolith, which doesn’t scale and it is costly to maintain. At the other end, we have one process for each service resulting in too many inter-process call hops to handle one user request, which is bad for performance and it may be costly to maintain.

I’ll show a way, which I’ve applied in some projects I’ve architected, on how to separate this communication concern from implementing the business functionality.

#3. Recommend for the participants 3 sources you find inspiration from and would help them better understand you

  • My blog of course ☺ . There, it is more about me and my thoughts
  • .NET Rocks ( is a podcast I recommend especially to .NET developers, and also to any geeks
  • As a hobby, I recommend learning and playing GO. Even if it a time-consuming game, it is a very good exercise for the mind.



Want to meet Florin, +30 international speakers and ~300 software crafters from around Europe?

Register now for I T.A.K.E Unconference 2017!

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