Work is already well underway for next year’s unconference. Read on to learn more about what happens when, the confirmed keynote, call for speakers and new website.
Timeline for 2014
We’ve created the first iteration of the plan for this year. In case you were wondering, here are the key milestones between now and the end of 2014:
- Sep 03: New website goes live
- Sep 03: Call for papers opened
- Nov 03: Registrations opened
- Nov 10: Program announced
Confirmed keynote
As we announced in May, we already have confirmed one of the keynote speakers for 2015. Simon Brown is a renowned architect and trainer on agile architecture and author of Software Architecture for Developers. With a schedule as busy as his, we’re sure glad it matched our dates for next year’s I T.A.K.E Unconference.
Call for speakers open
We have opened the call for speakers. For next year we decided to keep the topics that you hold dear: architecture, design principles, TDD etc. and also add some new areas that are becoming more and more popular these days: mobile, big data, scaling architecture etc. Visit the page to learn more.
If you know somebody that has something valuable to share with our audience, we’d appreciate it if you shared the link for the call page.
New website
We hope you enjoy the new website we’ve created. Based on your feedback during the past two years, we decided to come up with a new design that is accessible on all mobile devices. We’d like to thank our partners at Gorilla Studio for their effort and creativity with the new design.
We’re really excited for next year’s edition! So far things look great and we are committed to delivering the best edition yet to all our attendees. See you there?
Do you like the new website? Have any questions about the call for papers or the unconference? Let us know in the comments.