Experience frequent product delivery with peers like you

Apr 20, 2017 by Madalina Botez in  Practice

Whether you are interested to get your hands dirty with code, or to bring improvement ideas to a software product, there’s a Product Development Track along the I T.A.K.E. Unconference. Join, stay, leave or return anytime you want during the 2-day program.



Why would you do product development during a Software Craftsmanship Unconference?

Short answer: To experience live Software Craftsmanship practices.
Long Answer: Skeptical the 2-day unconference result can be a demo for a working software product?

Join the team producing live software, experience the agile development process, and contribute in short increments, with peers like you, spending as much time as you choose. Whenever you check the Product Development track, you’ll find there either the organizing team:

  • the facilitator,
  • the Product Owner,
  • the Technical Leader,

or the contributors to the development:

  • participants,

playing with Software Craftsmanship practices while developing a product. Whether you come to code, test, or add to the Product Backlog, all contributions will lead to a product launch by the end of 2nd day.

How? – Here’s Your Experience:

You can join this track anytime and work with the team as long as you want. To get started fast, they will help you get productive and waste no time. Just choose an iteration and work on an increment during a short timebox.

The organizing team prepares up-front: the Web App Idea and Name, the Initial Product Backlog and a Walking Skeleton. The Product Backlog will be refined by the Product Owner and the Walking Skeleton from where the development starts will be assured beforehand by the Technical Leader. Further contribute to the software product up to your will.

How can you contribute:

  • write code
  • write automated tests
  • build UI/UX
  • implement features
  • test features
  • do exploratory test
  • develop the backlog further
  • just bring ideas or any feedback
Join the friendly atmosphere with all needed visual artifacts around the walls for an easy to follow development process.


This year we will offer to the participants the possibility to write the code in any of the following languages: Java, Node.Js, Python, Ruby, PHP. For each of these, we will have prepared a walking skeleton as a starting point.
To quickly become productive, please install: Java 8, Gradle, Grunt and Git.

Because we value your dedication and your effort, every contribution to the Product Development track will be taken into consideration for the contest to win a special prize. All you have to do is to submit a pull request implementing a feature, to find or fix a bug, or to improve the product in any visible way. The organizers serving as a jury will vote for the most valuable contribution and award the prize at the end of the second day. In order to participate in this contest, you do not need to register before the event. You just need to show up at the Product Development track during the conference and contribute!

Don’t miss the Product Development as well as many other hands-on sessions at I T.A.K.E. Unconference.



Show your coding skills while competing with peers like you

May 14, 2015
Do you know how to test systems? Can you point coding issues? Are you open to learning from other people? And, best of all, can you safely clean up existing code and improve its design? These are all core developer skills nowadays, and you’ll greatly benefit from mastering them. Here’s just one more opportunity to do so during I T.A.K.E. Unconference – The Programming Contest. We think you’re going to enjoy it.


Take a set of challenges that will put your skills to the test, overcome them and get the most points to win the contest. Oh, we almost forgot: those getting the most points win gadgets like a drone or an iPad. They are still small rewards compared to the learning, but we’re sure they help :).



How the Programming Contest works?

Well, this is simple. We try to automate the process as much as possible. For the moment the instructions are as simple as:
  • Register for THE contest on May 28
  • Solve the challenges
  • Submit the solutions until May 29, 2 pm
Really cool: you can use ANY of the following programming languages: Java, C#, PHP, C++.

Who will review your code?

The Jury is built of Software Craftsman Fellows from Europe – names soon to be announced. They will grade each challenge you took. There will be just a few challenges, and taking all of them may lead you to the highest score. So the more you solve the closer to win.

Compete with passionate coders at I T.A.K.E. Unconference

Join the crew, compete with developers like you, gain recognition and take the drone home, offered by Mozaic Works. Or the iPad offered by Accenture.
Don’t miss the Programming Contest as well as many other hands-on sessions at I T.A.K.E. Unconference happening in Bucharest on 28-29 May 2015.


Technical Open Space

Aug 26, 2014

During this unconference we have a special time slot called Open Space. In it, you can present ideas and learn from others by having free conversations on interesting topics and engaging in live coding.

The Open Space does not have a pre-defined agenda. The participants themselves create it for the group, in the opening (about 20 minutes). A facilitator invites attendees to think about and propose relevant topics that they would like to discuss with their peers.

Empty marketplace, waiting to be filled.
Empty marketplace, waiting to be filled

You can propose one or more sessions, as long as there are available slots on the marketplace. The marketplace is a visual agenda for the Open Space, with 4-6 designated places and 3-4 time slots. You can see an example of a completed market place below. At the time of your session you need to be at the designated place and lead the discussion. You don’t need to be an expert on the topic, it can even be something you are curious about and would like to learn from other attendees and speakers.

One attendee proposes a session for the marketplace
One attendee proposes a session for the marketplace

Every Open Space session is self-organized, where the only rule that applies is The law of two feet: “If at any time during our time together you find yourself in any situation where you are neither learning nor contributing, use your two feet, go someplace else.”.

The session ends when it ends. If the discussion is running out of fuel, everyone should feel free to move to another session that is happening in parallel. On the contrary, if you want to continue the discussion, there’s always plenty of space in the lobby or at the bar.

Group discussion during Open Space
Group discussion during Open Space. In the background you can see another group debating.

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