Call for speakers open

Sep 04, 2014 by Maria Diaconu in  Announcements


We have opened the call for speakers. For next year we decided to keep the topics that you hold dear: architecture, design principles, TDD etc. and also add some new areas that are becoming more and more popular these days: mobile, big data, scaling architecture etc. Visit the page to learn more.

If you know somebody that has something valuable to share with our audience, we’d appreciate it if you shared the link for the call page.


Have any questions about the call for papers or the unconference? Let us know in the comments.


First two confirmed keynotes

Nov 05, 2014
Happy to announce that Simon Brown and James Lewis are keynotes for the next year edition. Software Architecture and Microservices Architecture are the topics they are masters on.


Simon Brown, award-winning speaker and author of Software Architecture for Developers – a developer-friendly guide to software architecture, technical leadership and the balance with agility. Simon has provided consulting/training to software teams in over 20 countries, ranging from small startups to global blue chip companies. He blogs @ Tweet him @simonbrown

Simon Brown


James Lewis, Principal Consultant, introduced evolutionary architecture practices and agile software development techniques to various blue chip companies: investment banks, publishers and media organisations. He blogs @ More about his take on Microservices here where he worked jointly with Martin Fowler.

James Lewis

Have any questions about I T.A.K.E. Unconference 2015? Let us know in the comments.


I T.A.K.E Unconference news: pre-registration open!

Nov 08, 2016

Ready, steady, go – I T.A.K.E Unconference, 5th edition will take place in the rising tech city of Bucharest, 11-12 May, 2017! 

Code. Craft. Learn. Share. Repeat.

The growing community of top-notch software crafters is raising the bar in the tech industry. The speakers and participants are challenging the current practices, making experiments and trying new techniques.

The intense, dynamic program is including multiple tracks of practical, hands-on sessions, strong case studies, and personal experiences, delivered in an attractive manner.

While we are working on selecting the best proposals from 15 countries, here’s what you can do to save your seat at the best price:



Wondering what to expect from 2017 edition? This is just a preview:



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